Corporate Prayer


Sunday - 11:00AM EST Via Online | Thursday- 7:00PM EST Training For reigning via zoom

Corporate Prayer/The Prayer of Agreement

Corporate Prayer - What is it? Corporate prayer is used to describe praying together with other people - in small groups or larger gatherings of people. Corporate prayer is an important part of the life of the church, we read in Acts 2:42 that the early church gathered to pray together. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. When we come and pray together with other believers this is both edifying and enriching. “When we pray together with other believers, the effects can be very positive. Corporate prayer edifies and unifies us as we share our common faith. The same Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer causes our hearts to rejoice as we hear praises to our Lord and Savior, knitting us together in a unique bond of fellowship found nowhere else in life. “When God intends great mercy for His people, He first sets them in prayer.

Encouragement – Praying with others can bring encouragement to the members of the group. There may be people in the group who are struggling with trails. As they are upheld in prayer, the Holy Spirit brings them encouragement and reassurances.

Unity – Corporate prayer has the ability to connect people together, “a unity of purpose”. People are built up and unified in the faith that they share together. As people pray together, they build a love and concern for others and the mission of God.

Worship – Corporate prayer brings about intimate communion with Jesus. The body of believers, praying in unity is an act of worship.

Dependence on God – As the we cry out to God in prayer it demonstrates our reliance on God to do the work of God. Sometimes the question gets asked –

Monday Night manna

Every Monday night we come together in corporate prayer lifting you and your family and the nation up before the Lord. You can join in at 8:00 PM CST/9:00 PM EST via zoom. If you would like to join us in corporate prayer please click here to fill out the form to register to be apart of our corporate prayer if you are a visitor. If you have a prayer request click here to send in your prayer request. 

Meeting ID click here



This is the time to receive your provision or supply (strength, abilities, freedom from all limitations, etc.). This is also the time for plundering your oppressors. This is also the time for favor from men; time for respect from men. If you read Exo. 3:21- 22; 11:3-4; 12:35-36; you will see that God made the Egyptians favorably disposed towards the Israelites so that the Egyptians gave them whatever they asked for. This must definitely have been before midnight since by then the angel of death passed through Egypt and no one could go on to the neighbors. It also had to be after supper, since it was after the Passover feast. Automatically it had to be during this watch of the night between 9.00pm and 12.00 midnight. In Acts 23:23 we see Paul enjoying favor from the captain of the soldiers during this same period.

Pray for the Outpouring of the Spirit of Prayer upon you and the Church in the Philippines. (Zech. 9:12)

PRAYER ALSO FOR THE SPIRIT OF GRACE & SUPPLICATION. It is the time to pray for the release or outpouring of the Spirit of Grace, of Prayer and Supplication. ( Matt. 26:33). Recall that on the day Jesus was betrayed, He started praying for God’s grace at 9.00 pm. At 10.00 pm, He came back to His disciples and said, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” At 11.00 pm, He came a second time and said “Are you still sleeping?” He left them and went back. Then the third time that was 12 midnight, He said, “Rise, and let us go for my betrayer is at hand.” This period is the time to pray for strength against all temptation and trials.

Pray for Divine Protection. (Psalm 3:1-7; 17:8-14, Acts 23:23; Zech. 1:10)

This is also the period to pray and ask for the release of the troops of God to be on patrol and give angelic escort (Zech. 1:10, Acts 9:23). Acts 23:23, the same army General that had arrested Paul, now ended up protecting Paul! As you pray today, God would cause the people who have arrested us before to protect His purpose for our lives. What the governor could not enjoy was given to Paul as he was given 470 soldiers as escort. So every provision we need to do God’s work would be released at this time. That is why even in Hollywood this is the time they show all the bad films to make provision for your being affected in the next watch.

Prayer for Provision to do Godʼs Work. (Exo. 11:3-4)

Time for the Supply of all Resources needed for every God-given project – see Exo. 35 and 36 cf. 12:35, 36. Pray for the Provision. It was the time that the Israelites got everything that they had to use to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness. This is also the time to ask for the sense of urgency to accomplish whatever God wants us to do. The Israelites ate the Passover standing with their tunics tucked with belts around their waists ready to move!












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